Yiayia and friends re-imagines and re-introduces traditional notions of life, superior quality food products, culinary objects and epicurean artefacts of yesteryear.
At the heart of this design project, “Yiayia” (“granny” in Greek) is glorified in a key-storyline as the super-powerful, all-knowing but the also discreet person that she is. Together with her “friends” from both the human and animal kingdom the art of growing, cooking and sharing food, along with everything that is attached to it, is remembered, re-introduced, and re-imagined for generations to come.
She rises while it is yet night.
Always before the sun.
One could say it is she
who awakens the sun.
And she has work to do
(she always has work to do).
To tend to the field,
to take care of the animals.
To clean, to wash, to cook.
To shape common matter
with her hands into taste, smell,
softness, song and beauty.
She knows how to heal, to explain, to predict.
She knows how to grow children into Men and Women.
She is a witch.
She listens to the land.
She speaks to the plants,
animals and birds.
She can read the stars
and the moon,
the clouds and the wind.
No ordinary person can master or perform
half of the things she does.
She can. And she is really good.
She has many names:
Mother, Grandma, Nana, Kyra.
But she prefers the one
by which the children call her.